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Reigate & Banstead Development Management Plan

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council formally adopted its Development Management Plan (DMP) on 26 September 2019. The DMP sets out the detailed policies and site allocations to deliver the Reigate and Banstead Core Strategy 2014 including its vision to 2027. The DMP policies replace a number of Borough Plan 2005 Policies and Core Strategy Policy CS15. All saved Borough Plan policies not replaced are withdrawn on adoption of the DMP. The relevant chapters of the DMP for Guild Members centre on Economic Development (Theme 1 Section 1), Town Centre and Local Centre (Theme 1 Section 2), Design, character and amenity (Theme 2 Section 1), Transport, access and parking (Theme 2 Section 3), Climate change resilience and flooding (Theme 2 Section 4). Heritage Assets are covered under Policy NHE9 under Theme 2 Section 5 Protecting the natural and historic environment.

Site allocations for Reigate are considered in more detail under Area 2b: Wealden Greensand Ridge; Reigate in Pages 113-128 of the DMP. The Annexes to the DMP provide further information on Marketing Information required for changes of use or loss of employment of community facilities, parking standards and Residential Areas of Special Character (RASC).

Reigate & Banstead Core Strategy 2019

Reigate & Banstead reviewed their Core Strategy in July 2019 and the overall conclusion of the review was that there was no need to modify or update any policies of the Core Strategy at that time and that it therefore continues to provide a robust, up to date and appropriate strategic policy framework for managing development in the borough. The reasons for arriving at this conclusion are set out in detail in the review document available to download below along with a copy of the Adopted Core Strategy.

Central Government Guidance

The documents below are often referred to at Guild meetings:
The Use Classes Order was amended on 1st September 2020 revoking Class A, Class B1 and Class D and creating Use Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) and Use Class F1 (Local Community and Learning). A change of use within a single use class does not require planning permission. However, any alterations to buildings (i.e. shopfront alterations or extraction/ventilation equipment) will require planning permission along with the usual requirements to obtain advertisement consent. Use Class E includes shops, financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, offices, clinics, health centres, creches, day nurseries or day centres and gymnasiums. This generally sets a greater deal of flexibility for property owners and occupiers in the High Street than ever before. It also creates new “Learning and Non-Residential Institutions” (F1) and “Local Community” (F2) use classes. Drinking establishments (formerly Use Class A4) and hot food takeaway (formerly Use Class A5) are now Sui Generis which means they do not have a specified Use Class, meaning that changes to and from these uses will require full planning permission. Further information can also be found here

Supplementary Planning Guidance

In addition to the planning policy referred to above the Council also rely on a number of Supplementary Planning Documents listed below:
The Local Distinctiveness Design Guide provides some useful background information on the Borough and including the character areas, local vernacular and has a small section on Reigate. Reigate town centre is categorised as Victorian/Edwardian and the guide states the following about the town:

“Reigate dates back to 1140, when ‘The Warennes’ built Reigate Castle and the later establishment of an Augustinian Priory in about 1230 saw the settlement expand. The distinctive Old Town Hall was constructed in 1728 and is still a prominent feature of the town centre.

In terms of communications Reigate was connected to Brighton in 1755. Reigate Station opened in 1849 and by 1860 many houses were built to accommodate “commuters” who travelled to work in London. ‘The Great Sale of Reigate’ in 1921, gave people the opportunity to purchase shops, hotels, businesses and homes. This led to the reconstruction of the town and many fine Georgian properties were demolished. Reigate as a commuter town has continued to grow with considerable amounts of infill development.”

The Conservation Area Appraisal sets out a more detailed history of the town and is supported by the Councils List of Buildings of Architectural and Historic Interest. The former also includes a map of the town centre identifying the extent of the Reigate Conservation Area.

More information on Reigate can be found in the Historic Parks & Gardens and Planning and Archaeology guides.

The Reigate Town Centre Shop Front Guide is particularly useful for any shop owners looking to refurbish their shop fronts given the Conservation Area status of the town.

In addition to the above if you take a closer look around the town centre you will begin to notice the specific colour used by the Council for the signage, railings and street furniture. The Councils Conservation Officer, John McInally confirmed that the colour is RAL 5013 (also known as Dulux Midnight Blue BS REF. 20C40).

If you have any specific planning or architectural queries, please contact the Guild via the website and we will provide further assistance.