If your business is based in the RH2 postcode or you have a business premises operating in the RH2 postcode then you are eligible to become a member of the Reigate Business Guild (see map below).
By supporting the Guild, not only are you helping to promote and protect our unique town, you are becoming part of a respected collective voice that works closely with other organisations such as the Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, Surrey County Council, Surrey Police and local charities.
Your Membership will give you direct contact with over 170 members who share a common interest in the town and allows us to continue co-ordinating events such as Reigate Christmas Fayre, Late Night Shopping, Quiz Nights, Annual Golf Day, Foodbank donations and local litter picks. Monthly networking meetings are chaired responsibly and attended by an average of 30 members who question planning applications, police issues, promotion of the town, members’ social and fundraising events and relevant issues concerning Reigate. You will receive monthly notification of all matters arising from the Guild’s meetings as well as details of events requiring members’ support.
From 01st January 2025, Membership of Reigate Business Guild is just £130 per annum which offers excellent value for money (Membership is currently £120 until 31st December 2024). Your contribution helps towards the Christmas Lights fund alongside other Guild initiatives such as the commemorative flags and events throughout the year. We actively encourage members to get involved with the Guild and provide feedback on Town Improvements, Guild events and how we can best support the town and your business.
Please complete the form below: