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Reigate Business Guild is delighted to partner with Reigate College and their Careers Programme. This is an excellent local resource for employers to nurture the career paths of tomorrow’s Captains of Industry and invest in not only their own future but also in that of this local budding talent.

There are numerous ways to engage with the Reigate College Careers Programme that have been highlighted on this page.

How employers can help with the delivery of Reigate College’s Careers Programme

Offering work experience

Improving our students’ access to work experience is a particular focus for the College as opportunities for in person work experience have been so limited in the last two years. There are three particular ways that employers can help us with this:

Coming into College

There are several ways that are particularly helpful:

The employer engagement sessions that generally have the biggest impact with students are those that include a visual presentation or are more interactive, and those that give clear practical tips on exploring opportunities and making successful applications.

Students particularly value hearing from employees who are just embarking on their careers and finding out about how they settled on their chosen career path, what qualifications they have and what the application process for their position was like.

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